windows 8 shortcuts part 2

කලින් දීපු shortcuts වලින් වැඩක් ගන්න ඇති කියල හිතෙනවා හැමෝම.......ඉත්න් shortcuts වල දෙවෙනි කොටසත් ` දෙන්න හිතුව ඔයාලට .......

Windows Logokey                          display start menu
Alt + F4                                           Close application(Desktop and metro)       
Win + X                                           Admin tools menu

Ctrl+plus(+) or Ctrl+minus(-)          Zoon in or out 

Ctrl+ Scroll Wheel                            Zoon in or out 

Windows Logokey +C                      Opens The Charms
Windows Logokey +F                      Open  the Search charm to search the file
Windows Logokey +H                      Open the Share charm
Windows Logokey +I                       Open the Settings charm
Windows Logokey +J                       Switch The main app and sanpped app
Windows Logokey +K                     open the device charm
Windows Logokey +O                      Lock the Screen Orientation

Windows Logokey +W                      Open the Search charm to search settings                                      
Windows Logokey +Z                       Shows The command Available in the App
Windows Logokey + spacebar           Switch input language and KeyBoard
Windows Logokey +Ctrl+spacebar    Change to previously selected Input
Windows Logokey +Tab                     Cycle through open apps(not destop app)

Windows Logokey + Ctrl+Tab             Cycle through open apps(not destop app)
                                                                and snaps them as they are Cycled

Windows Logokey +Q                          Open the Search Charm to search the apps
Windows Logokey + Shift+Tab           Cycle through open apps(not destop app)
                                                               in reverse order

Windows Logokey +PageUp                moves the Start Screen and apps to the monotor
                                                               on the left

Windows Logokey +PageDown           moves the Start Screen and apps to the monotor
                                                               on the Right

Windows Logokey  +Shift+ period(.)   Snaps an app to the left
Windows Logokey + period(.)               Snaps an app to the Right

Windows Logokey +Enter                     Start windows narrator                    
Windows Logokey +Print Screen          Saves a Screenshot in picture library
Windows Logokey + Tab                       Metro App Switcher   

Alt + Tab                                                 Classic app switcher                                                       

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